Is kanye west insane? - Compares What he Does On Tour To Being A Soldier Or Policeman

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I'm sick of celebrities comparing themselves to soldiers or police. What you do is not that. I think Kanye West and Tom Cruise should actually participate in a battle or skirmish and be fired at by people trying to kill them and then tell me how acting or performing a concert is the same thing.  "I think about my family and I’m like, wow, this is like being a police officer or something, in war or something," Kanye said in an interview linked above. I'm tired of celebrities trivializing it. I am especially tired of Kanye West and his a-holiness. I am so glad he didn't get any Grammy nominations. I am so glad he is with Kim Kardashian. I am so glad his tour is a bomb. I am so glad that designers hate him and that everyone hates him. I am so glad he is losing $1-2M a week on his tour and hope his arrogance bankrupts him. I hope Kim Kardashian kicks in all her money to help pay for his next record and loses it all. I hope they end up having to live in Kris Jenner's house with their kid and Kourtney's eight kids and no one buys one of their crap products again. I hope a decade from now we will still be laughing at them and how they used to be on top but ruined it all by being absolute jerks and tools and that the world is better off without them in the spotlight and the only thing they contributed to the world was one jerk off tape and a sense of entitlement that has previously never been seen.

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